what form(s) of documentation is (are) required in all assignments using outside sources?

 In academic and professional settings, when using outside sources in assignments, it is essential to provide proper documentation to give credit to the original authors and sources. The form(s) of documentation required can vary depending on the citation style specified by your instructor, publication, or organization. Here are two commonly used documentation styles:

1. APA (American Psychological Association) Style:

In APA style, documentation typically involves:

  • In-Text Citations:

    • When you use information from an outside source within the text of your assignment, you must provide an in-text citation. This includes the author's last name and the publication year, often in parentheses.

      Example: (AuthorLastName, Year)

  • References Page:

    • At the end of your assignment, include a References page that provides detailed information about each source cited in your work. The entries should include the author's name, publication date, title of the work, and publication information.


      AuthorLastName, A. A. (Year). Title of the work. Publication information.

2. MLA (Modern Language Association) Style:

In MLA style, documentation typically involves:

  • In-Text Citations:

    • When using information from an outside source within the text, you must provide an in-text citation. This includes the author's last name and the page number.

      Example: (AuthorLastName PageNumber)

  • Works Cited Page:

    • At the end of your assignment, include a Works Cited page that provides detailed information about each source cited in your work. The entries should include the author's name, title of the work, publisher, publication date, and page numbers.


      AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName. Title of the Work. Publisher, Publication Date.

General Tips for Documentation:

  1. Consistency:

    • Be consistent in your use of the chosen documentation style throughout the entire assignment.
  2. Precision:

    • Provide accurate and complete information for each source. Check the guidelines for the specific information required by the chosen citation style.
  3. Plagiarism Awareness:

    • Proper documentation is crucial for avoiding plagiarism. Always give credit to the original sources to maintain academic integrity.
  4. Check Assignment Guidelines:

    • Always follow any specific guidelines provided by your instructor or organization regarding documentation style. Some instructors may have preferences or variations on established styles.

Remember that different disciplines and academic institutions may have variations in their preferred documentation styles, so it's important to check with your instructor or refer to specific style guides for detailed information.


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